

Standardization in the field of public information symbols.

General responsibility for the review and the coordination of those public information symbols already existing, those under study, and those to be established. The standardization of new public information symbols.

Standardization in the fields of signs and public information guidance systems (including direction signs, location signs, information index signs, maps, plans and diagrams).

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Published ISO standards *


ISO standards under development *

Participating members
Observing members

* number includes updates

Reference Title Type
ISO/TC 145/SC 1/WG 4   Public information symbols (Revision of ISO 7001) Working group
ISO/TC 145/SC 1/WG 5   Public information guidance systems Working group
Liaison Committees to ISO/TC 145/SC 1

The committees below can access the documents of ISO/TC 145/SC 1:

Reference Title ISO/IEC
ISO/TC 59/SC 16 Accessibility and usability of the built environment ISO
ISO/TC 173/SC 7 Assistive products for persons with impaired sensory functions ISO
ISO/TC 207/SC 3 Environmental labelling ISO
ISO/TC 228 Tourism and related services ISO


Liaison Committees from ISO/TC 145/SC 1

ISO/TC 145/SC 1 can access the documents of the committees below:

Reference Title ISO/IEC
CIE International Commission on Illumination ISO
ISO/TC 10/SC 10 Process plant documentation ISO
ISO/TC 59/SC 16 Accessibility and usability of the built environment ISO
ISO/TC 173/SC 7 Assistive products for persons with impaired sensory functions ISO
ISO/TC 228 Tourism and related services ISO


Organizations in liaison (Category A and B)
Acronym Title Category
AIT International Touring Alliance A
CIE International Commission on Illumination A
EC - European Commission European Commission A
EFCO&HPA European Federation of Campingsite Organisations and Holiday Park Associations A
FIMITIC International Federation of Persons with Physical Disability A
HOTREC Hotels, Restaurants & Cafés in Europe A
ICO-D International Council of Design A
IH&RA International Hotel & Restaurant Association A
UIC International Union of Railways A
UNWTO World Tourism Organization A
WDO World Design Organization A

ISO/TC 145/SC 1 - Secretariat

BSI (United Kingdom)

British Standards Institution
389 Chiswick High Road
London W4 4AL
United Kingdom

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