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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 22/SC 38 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Road vehicles — Comparison between ISO 26262-12 and other parts of the ISO 26262 series to support motorcycle adaptation
60.60 | |
Motorcycles — Engine test code — Net power
90.92 | |
Motorcycles — Engine test code — Net power
40.00 | |
Road vehicles — Mopeds — Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales
95.99 | |
Road vehicles — Mopeds — Type, location and functions of controls
95.99 | |
Mopeds — Engine test code — Net power
90.60 | |
Motorcycles — Guideline for verification of total running resistance force during mode running on a chassis dynamometer
60.60 | |
Motorcycles — Consideration for use cases of ISO 26262-12 MSIL classification
60.60 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption — Part 1: General test requirements
95.99 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption — Part 1: General test requirements — Amendment 1
95.99 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption — Part 1: General test requirements
60.60 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption — Part 2: Test cycles and specific test conditions
90.92 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption — Part 2: Test cycles and specific test conditions
30.99 |
Motorcycles — Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption — Part 3: Fuel consumption measurement at a constant speed
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption — Part 3: Fuel consumption measurement at a constant speed — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption — Part 3: Fuel consumption measurement at a constant speed — Amendment 2
60.60 | |
Road vehicles — Dimensions of two-wheeled mopeds and motorcycles — Terms and definitions
90.93 | |
Mopeds and motorcycles with two wheels — Masses — Vocabulary
90.93 | |
Road vehicles — Motorcycles — Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales
95.99 | |
Road vehicles — Motorcycles and mopeds — Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales
60.60 | |
Road vehicles — Motorcycles and mopeds — Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Mopeds — Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption — Part 1: General test requirements
90.93 | |
Mopeds — Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption — Part 2: Test cycles and specific test conditions
90.93 | |
Mopeds — Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption — Part 3: Fuel consumption measurement at a constant speed
90.93 | |
Mopeds — Measurement method for determining maximum speed
90.60 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement method for determining maximum speed
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Direct current flasher units
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Alternating current flasher units
90.93 | |
Mopeds — Alternating current flasher units
90.93 | |
Mopeds — Direct current flasher units
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Light-alloy wheels — Test method
90.93 | |
Mopeds — Light-alloy wheels — Test method
90.60 | |
Mopeds — Measurement method for location of centre of gravity
90.93 | |
Two-wheeled mopeds — Parking stability of side- and centre-stands
90.93 | |
Mopeds — Brakes and brake systems — Tests and measurement methods
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Brakes and brake systems — Tests and measurement methods
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Controls — Types, positions and functions
95.99 | |
Motorcycles and mopeds — Controls — Types, positions and functions
90.20 | |
Mopeds — Measurement method for moments of inertia
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement methods for moments of inertia
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement method for location of centre of gravity
90.93 | |
Three-wheeled mopeds and motorcycles — Dimensions — Vocabulary
90.93 | |
Three-wheeled mopeds and motorcycles — Masses — Vocabulary
90.93 | |
Two-wheeled motorcycles — Parking stability of side- and centre-stands
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement of variation of dipped beam inclination as a function of load
90.93 | |
Mopeds — Positioning of lighting and light-signalling devices
90.93 | |
Two-wheeled motorcycles — Positioning of lighting and light-signalling devices
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Methods for setting running resistance on a chassis dynamometer
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Methods for setting running resistance on a chassis dynamometer — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Motorcycle and motorcycle-rider kinematics — Vocabulary
90.93 | |
Motorcycle and motorcycle-rider kinematics — Vocabulary — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Two-wheeled motorcycles — Antilock braking systems (ABS) — Tests and measurement methods
90.93 | |
Two-wheeled mopeds — Antilock braking systems (ABS) — Tests and measurement methods
90.93 | |
Electric mopeds and motorcycles - Terminology and classification
60.60 | |
Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Safety specifications — Part 1: On-board rechargeable energy storage system (RESS)
60.60 | |
Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Safety specifications — Part 2: Vehicle operational safety
60.60 | |
Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Safety specifications — Part 3: Electrical safety
60.60 | |
Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Safety specifications
95.99 | |
Battery-electric mopeds and motorcycles — Performance — Part 1: Reference energy consumption and range
90.93 | |
Battery-electric mopeds and motorcycles — Performance — Part 2: Road operating characteristics
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 1: Definitions, symbols and general considerations
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 1: Definitions, symbols and general considerations — Amendment 1: MATD test helmet, ground impact, and injury costs
60.60 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 2: Definition of impact conditions in relation to accident data
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 3: Motorcyclist anthropometric impact dummy
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 3: Motorcyclist anthropometric impact dummy — Amendment 1: MATD test helmet
60.60 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 4: Variables to be measured, instrumentation and measurement procedures
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 5: Injury indices and risk/benefit analysis
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 5: Injury indices and risk/benefit analysis — Amendment 1: Ground impact and injury costs
60.60 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 6: Full-scale impact-test procedures
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 6: Full-scale impact-test procedures — Amendment 1: MATD test helmet
60.60 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 7: Standardized procedures for performing computer simulations of motorcycle impact tests
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 7: Standardized procedures for performing computer simulations of motorcycle impact tests — Amendment 1: Ground impact
60.60 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 7: Standardized procedures for performing computer simulations of motorcycle impact tests — Amendment 2: Correlation factors
60.60 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 8: Documentation and reports
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Test and analysis procedures for research evaluation of rider crash protective devices fitted to motorcycles — Part 8: Documentation and reports — Amendment 1: Ground impact and injury costs
60.60 | |
Moped and moped-rider kinematics — Vocabulary
90.93 | |
Moped and moped-rider kinematics — Vocabulary — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement methods for gaseous exhaust emissions during inspection or maintenance
90.60 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement methods for gaseous exhaust emissions during inspection or maintenance — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Test specifications and safety requirements for lithium-ion battery systems
90.92 | |
Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Test specifications and safety requirements for lithium-ion battery systems — Amendment 1
60.60 | |
Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Test specifications and safety requirements for lithium-ion battery systems
40.60 | |
Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Safety requirements for conductive connection to an external electric power supply
95.99 | |
Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Safety requirements for conductive connection to an external electric power supply
60.60 | |
Motorcycles — Verification of total running resistance force during mode running on a chassis dynamometer
90.93 | |
Mopeds — Measurement methods for gaseous exhaust emissions during inspection or maintenance
90.93 | |
Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Test method for evaluating performance of regenerative braking systems
90.60 | |
Motorcycles and mopeds — Communication between vehicle and external equipment for diagnostics — Diagnostic connector and related electrical circuits, specification and use
90.93 | |
Motorcycles — Functional safety
95.99 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement method for evaporative emissions — Part 1: SHED test procedure
90.60 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement method for evaporative emissions — Part 2: Permeation test procedure
90.20 | |
Motorcycles — Measurement method for evaporative emissions — Part 3: VT-SHED test procedure
40.20 | |
Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles — Test method for evaluation of energy performance using motor dynamometer
60.60 | |
Mopeds - Methods for setting the running resistance on a chassis dynamometer
90.60 | |
Mopeds - Methods for setting the running resistance on a chassis dynamometer — Amendment 1
60.60 |
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