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Norma o proyecto | Etapa | TC |
Space systems — Safety and compatibility of materials — Part 1: Determination of upward flammability of materials
95.99 | ISO/TC 20/SC 14 |
Space systems — Safety and compatibility of materials — Part 1: Determination of upward flammability of materials
60.60 | ISO/TC 20/SC 14 |
Space systems — Safety and compatibility of materials — Part 2: Determination of flammability of electrical-wire insulation and accessory materials
95.99 | ISO/TC 20/SC 14 |
Space systems — Safety and compatibility of materials — Part 2: Determination of flammability of electrical-wire insulation and accessory materials
60.60 | ISO/TC 20/SC 14 |
Space systems — Safety and compatibility of materials — Part 3: Determination of offgassed products from materials and assembled articles
95.99 | ISO/TC 20/SC 14 |
Space systems — Safety and compatibility of materials — Part 3: Determination of off-gassed compounds from materials and assembled articles
60.60 | ISO/TC 20/SC 14 |
Space systems — Safety and compatibility of materials — Part 4: Determination of upward flammability of materials in pressurized gaseous oxygen or oxygen-enriched environments
90.60 | ISO/TC 20/SC 14 |
Space systems — Safety and compatibility of materials — Part 5: Determination of reactivity of system/component materials with aerospace propellants
95.99 | ISO/TC 20/SC 14 |
Space systems — Safety and compatibility of materials — Part 5: Determination of reactivity of system/component materials with aerospace propellants
60.60 | ISO/TC 20/SC 14 |
Space systems — Safety and compatibility of materials — Part 6: Determination of reactivity of processing materials with aerospace fluids
90.93 | ISO/TC 20/SC 14 |
Space systems — Safety and compatibility of materials — Part 7: Determination of permeability and penetration of materials to aerospace fluids
90.93 | ISO/TC 20/SC 14 |
Space systems — Thermal control coatings for spacecraft — General requirements
90.93 | ISO/TC 20/SC 14 |
Space systems — Safety and compatibility of materials - Method to determine the flammability thresholds of materials
95.99 | ISO/TC 20/SC 14 |
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