Reference number
ISO 11337:2023
International Standard
ISO 11337:2023
Plastics — Polyamides — Determination of ε-caprolactam and ω-laurolactam by gas chromatography
Edition 3
ISO 11337:2023
No disponible en español
Publicado (Edición 3, 2023)


This document specifies a method for determining ε‑caprolactam and ω‑laurolactam in polyamides by gas chromatography. It is applicable particularly to the determination of ε‑caprolactam in polyamide 6 and ω‑laurolactam in polyamide 12.

Two variants of the basic method are specified.

    Method A is an extraction method with boiling methanol, and the extract is injected into a gas chromatograph.

    Method B is a method using a solvent, and the solution is injected into a gas chromatograph.

Informaciones generales

  •  : Publicado
     : 2023-01
    : Norma Internacional publicada [60.60]
  •  : 3
     : 11
  • ISO/TC 61/SC 9
  • RSS actualizaciones

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