This document provides a methodology for calculating the carbon balance of a forest management unit. This quantification methodology will demonstrate if the forest management unit is a net carbon sink or net carbon source. It provides information that can be used both on organizational and product levels. This calculation methodology includes system boundaries, geographical scale, time periods, allocation method, emission and removal factors etc. Emissions related to forest operations (e.g. fuels for machinery, the production and use of fertilizers) are not included in this document. NOTE Emissions related to forest operations are covered in part 1 of this standard series.
Informaciones generales
Estado: En desarrolloEtapa: Norma Internacional en proceso de publicación [60.00]
Edición: 1
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 287
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Acción climática
Esta norma contribuye a
- Lograr la neutralidad climática: Mitigación / Emisiones de GEI; Huella de carbono;