Членство: Орган, являющийся членом
In Hungary, standardization activities date back over 120 years and began with the standardization of building materials. The first Hungarian standard was published in 1892. The predecessor institute of the present national standards body was established in 1921. After that, the Hungarian Institute for Standardization and the Hungarian Office for Standardization carried out the national standardization activities until 1995.

The Parliament adopted Law XXVIII of 1995 on national standardization in 1995, creating the framework for the establishment of the Hungarian Standards Institution (MSZT). By virtue of the Law, MSZT is the national standards body of the Republic of Hungary, which, as a selfgoverned, non-profit body of public interest, performs the duties concerning national standardization and related activities.

The registered members of MSZT have delegated more than 3500 experts (representatives) to the national technical committees. MSZT now has 186 technical committees, through which all interested parties can participate in standardization. MSZT provides a wide range of services for the distribution of standards as well as accredited certification activities; it also releases publications (issued in printed form and on electronic media) and offers a number of training courses. MSZT operates a certified ISO 9001 quality management system for its standardization activity. Moreover, it maintains close working relationships with national standards and certification bodies of other countries and has participated in the work of ISO since 1947. MSZT is administered by the Director General.

Magyar Szabványügyi Testület

Horváth Mihály tér 1.
H-1082 Budapest

Тел.: +36 1 456 68 00
Факс: +36 1 456 68 23
E-mail: isoline@mszt.hu

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