Eye on economy

After six frustrating years, the economy is far from a full recovery.

Hardships faced today by many are linked to the declining number of good jobs, dwindling incomes and the soaring cost of living. No one is predicting herculean growth in 2014. But there is hope.

In this edition, you'll learn how standards can make a difference. Interesting research from the World Bank and the International Trade Centre shows that the expanded use of International Standards boosts economic growth.



Январь/Февраль 2014

Eye on economy

After six frustrating years, the economy is far from a full recovery. But there is hope. Learn how standards can make a difference.

Полезная информация

Power to the people

Ratna Devi Nadarajan believes that everyone deserves a chance to succeed. A staunch supporter of the underdog, Ratna is fighting for the rights of consumers, helping them to get their voice heard. Here, as the new Chair of the ISO Committee on consumer policy (ISO/COPOLCO), Ratna shares her story and her aspirations.


A number of life-changing experiences shaped who I am.

Ratna Devi Nadarajan

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Об ISOfocus

Публикуемый на английском, французском и испанском языках 6 раз в год, ISOfocus является Вашим проводником в мире международных стандартов. Независимо от того, сталкиваются ли многонациональные предприятия с принятием жизненно важных решений или же это небольшой бизнес, находящийся в поиске идей, составители ISOfocus стараются рассмотреть потребности стратегического планирования и отразить все существенные детали.

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Default ISOfocus
Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis
Editor-in-Chief of ISOfocus