ISO standards covering everything from vehicle parts to infrastructure help reduce accidents and improve the efficiency of road transport and travel. They ensure reliable and efficient supply chains. In an era of transformation for road traffic, standards help the sector get ready for the future.


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Close-up of rear-area video camera on car dashboard, with view of driver’s hand on steering wheel.

Cybersecurity in cars

New standard just published to help keep the hackers at bay.

Cars queuing to go through a toll barrier.

By Clare Naden on

Taking its toll

The standard for the security of toll road payment systems has just been updated.

Sample standards

Road vehicles — Safety and artificial intelligence

Road traffic safety (RTS) management systems — Requirements with guidance for use

Road vehicles — Cybersecurity engineering

Road vehicles — Software update engineering

Road vehicles — Unified diagnostic services (UDS)
Part 1: Application layer

Gaseous hydrogen — Thermally activated pressure relief devices for compressed hydrogen vehicle fuel containers