Committee Draft
ISO/CD 26162-4
Management of terminology resources — Terminology databases — Part 4: Quality
Reference number
ISO/CD 26162-4
Edition 1
Committee Draft
ISO/CD 26162-4
A draft is being reviewed by the committee.


This document specifies quality-related aspects of terminology database maintenance. It provides a list of criteria to describe, compare and evaluate the design, usability and content of terminological data collections, with emphasis on data quality evaluation (completeness, consistency, reliability, relevance, accuracy, correctness). This document provides guidance for terminology managers responsible for the maintenance of termbases as well as for external experts that are assigned to evaluate the data quality of terminology resources and the usability of termbase applications. It outlines principles for assuring data quality and evaluating terminological data collections for purposes of continuous improvement. The application/applicability of this standard depends on/is influenced by the type of terminology management (monolingual vs. multilingual), the organizational and IT environment as well as the intended user group involved in elaborating the terminological entries and using the termbase application. It goes beyond the scope of this document to discuss the detailed use of corpora and term extraction tools.

General information

  •  : Under development
    : CD consultation initiated [30.20]
  •  : 1
  • ISO/TC 37/SC 3
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