International Standard
ISO/DIS 17225-5
Solid biofuels — Fuel specifications and classes — Part 5: Graded firewood
Reference number
ISO/DIS 17225-5
Edition 3
Draft International Standard
ISO/DIS 17225-5
This Draft International Standard is in the enquiry phase with ISO members.
Will replace ISO 17225-5:2021


This document determines the fuel quality classes and specifications of graded firewood. This document covers only firewood produced from the following raw materials (see ISO 17725‑1:2021, Table 1):

—    1.1.1 Whole trees without roots;

—    1.1.3 Stem wood;

—    1.1.4 Logging residues (thick branches, tops etc.);

—    1.2.1 Chemically untreated by-products and residues from wood processing industry.

General information

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