ISO 21070:2017 specifies procedures for the shipboard management of garbage, including handling, collection, separation, marking, treatment, and storage. It also describes the ship-to-shore interface and the delivery of garbage from the ship to the port reception facility. MARPOL, Annex V sets the minimum standard for garbage management that apply to ships. ISO 21070:2017 applies to the management and handling of shipboard garbage during the period the garbage will be on board. The definition of garbage in this document is as defined in MARPOL, Annex V.
Informations générales
État actuel: ProjetStade: Clôture de la période des observations [30.60]
Edition: 3
Comité technique :ISO/TC 8/SC 2
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Cycle de vie
PubliéeISO 21070:2017
PubliéeISO 21070:2017/Amd 1:2022